This article is part of a series 'The Basics of Machine Learning', where I simplify the field of Machine Learning for beginners that are interested in going into the field and for those who are simply interested in learning more about Machine Learning and AI .
Below I explain common terms in Machine Learning that tend to confuse those new to the field of ML and AI when getting started
Decision Trees
A decision tree is a tool in Machine learning used for classification and prediction, it has a tree-like structure and is easy to follow and understand
A label is what you want to predict by training your model, so it is basically the output you get after training your model
Features are variables represented by columns, they represent a piece of data and they act as the input in a Machine learning model, while a row is referred to as an instance since it may be considered as a single example of our data
A Machine learning model is a pre-trained file or 'algorithm' that has been designed to recognise patterns based on previous data and makes predictions on new data. Some common types of models in Machine Learning are classification, regression, clustering, and so on
Classification model is used to classify data. That is, it determines the category the input data belongs to
Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique in which unlabeled data is grouped based on its features and properties
The regression model is a predictive technique that is used to determine the relationship between the input variables and the output variables in a dataset.
Neural networks
A neural network is a model that allows machines to recognise patterns by mimicking the model of neurons in the human brain.
This was a short article where I gave a list of the most common words in Machine Learning and AI that you are bound to come across as a beginner in the field. For more articles like this about Machine Learning and AI or just coding in general follow this blog on hashnode @Iqmacodes and subscribe to my email newsletter below so you get notified when a new article is released.
You can also connect with me on twitter @Iqmacodes if you'd like to see my progress and follow my ML journey, see you in the next article โ๐พ.